Sweet orange essential oil 5 ml
This gentle essential oil smells like fresh orange peel and has a pink colour. Its best feature is that this essential oil acts as an antidepressant. It stimulates digestion, is an excellent antispasmodic and a mild sedative. The oil is also great for lifting the spirits, relieving anxiety, calming the nerves, relaxing the muscles and improving the general well-being. These properties make the sweet orange essential oil a perfect choice for the wintertime: if you add it to your bath it will notably lift your mood. (For taking a bath, dilute the essential oil with a small amount of vegetable oil, milk or milk powder, mix the water well and close the bathroom door to prevent the aroma from dispersing. Use no more than 4 drops of the essential oil).
The orange oil is a good remedy for insomnia. For this purpose, it can be mixed with lavender oil. Its pleasant aroma makes it a preferred choice for diffusing at home, mopping the floor and cleaning various surfaces.
Mix 200 grams of water with 20 drops of the essential oil. (The oil does not fully dissolve in water, but this amount is enough for refreshing the air. Use a simple spray bottle designed for spraying plants but make sure to store the mixture in different container after use if the spray bottle is made of plastic or metal, as plastic and metal react with essential oils and change their properties).